From the many ways to make money online, an easy way to make some decent online income is by using Adsense. To begin using Adsense what you require is a website or a blog and traffic & you are on your road to make some decent money online. The subject & the use of keywords play a major role in the income generated through Adsense. The use of right keywords is equally important. We will provide you with 6 easy steps to choose a profitable Adsense keyword.
1- Look for keywords which provide high CPC (Cost per Click) value
This is the first step to consider. You will need to do a thorough research & find keywords that will provide your niche high CPC value. You can use Google Adwords keyword tools or even some other tools which can provide you with a particular niche keyword list. During the search, remember to save the keywords for future use. Once finished, copy & paste these keywords into Google’s Traffic Estimator (remember, to begin using Google Traffic Estimator, you will need to open an Adwords account). This tool will help you estimate the average number of clicks per day and the average CPC for every keyword. Save all the information you derive for future reference.
2- Calculate your earnings
In order to calculate your earnings via CPC, you will have to multiply average CPC by 30%. Higher the values of CPC, higher are the chances for CPC for 2nd to 8th positions. It is but obvious that you will require a high average CPC, the reason is incase the CPC begins to drop after the 3rd position, it means that your chance of getting a decent income as Adsense publisher will also reduce.
3- How to estimate 1st to 8th position CPC values
To estimate CPC values from 1st to 8th position, you can make use of tools such as Adword Accelerator. Adword Accelerator will provide an estimate CPC for every position and even show you the drop of CPC if any, after the 1st position. There are many other tools too which calculate CPC values from 1st to 8th position, it is upto you to choose the tool of your choice. These tools will help you choose the right & profitable keywords. While using the CPC value calculator, if the CPC values are somewhere closer to 1st position, it means that your chance of making some decent profit is not far away.
4- Deciding the positions occupied by Adsense ads.
Here you will have to decide and determine the positions occupied by Adsense ads. The best way to do this is to type your keyword in Google search engine and find out which Adsense ads are displayed in your search results & the order in which they have been displayed.
Another option is to use Adword Accelerator tool. This tool also has a feature where the moment you type your keyword, Adwords ads are displayed for the given keyword. Incase the Adwords advertiser had used the keyword ‘Adwords for Content’ while advertising, it means that these ads are the Adsense ads which some other person has displayed on their website.
5- Compare
The next step is to analyze ads which you have found in step 4 above, with the keyword check function of your choice of software. Incase you find advertisers somewhat match the ones you have found in step 4, there are likely chance that you have found a profitable keyword. Likewise, incase the advertisers differ; it means the advertisers are unlikely to use ‘Adwords for Content’ advertising practice in their campaigns. This basically means that your keyword is not the main base for Adsense ads, thereby reducing your profits.
6- Traffic, Traffic & Traffic
This is one of the most important factors which will generate continuous flow of income. And remember without traffic even the best and most moneymaking Adsense keywords will not fetch you even a single dime. And more importantly, it is not any kind of traffic you require, you actually require traffic to be clicking on the ads that are displayed on your website or blog. Among the many ways which can lead volume traffic to your website, the fastest way to drive volume traffic to your site is by using Adwords. While using Adwords, you can use keywords from Adsense ads which have scored well through above evaluation.
To bring down your expenses, it is advised to use lower CPC keywords. But you have to be careful. There is no way you can expect your Adwords spend more than your earnings on Adsense. The profit calculation is based on the clicks you receive on your Adsense words and the cost per click that you pay for Adwords word.
Traffic can also be generated via Search Engine Optimization (SEO) techniques. This will take a while but is definitely worth the try. While using SEO techniques, ensure that the keywords you have selected have got the highest Keyword Efficiency Index (KEI). KEI complies the ratio between the number of sites using that particular keyword with the number of searches made on any search engine website. For best result, combination of both, high score & high KEI is mandatory using above evaluation.
If you follow the 6 easy steps mentioned above, you can increase your Adsense earning to a great level.
1- Look for keywords which provide high CPC (Cost per Click) value
This is the first step to consider. You will need to do a thorough research & find keywords that will provide your niche high CPC value. You can use Google Adwords keyword tools or even some other tools which can provide you with a particular niche keyword list. During the search, remember to save the keywords for future use. Once finished, copy & paste these keywords into Google’s Traffic Estimator (remember, to begin using Google Traffic Estimator, you will need to open an Adwords account). This tool will help you estimate the average number of clicks per day and the average CPC for every keyword. Save all the information you derive for future reference.
2- Calculate your earnings
In order to calculate your earnings via CPC, you will have to multiply average CPC by 30%. Higher the values of CPC, higher are the chances for CPC for 2nd to 8th positions. It is but obvious that you will require a high average CPC, the reason is incase the CPC begins to drop after the 3rd position, it means that your chance of getting a decent income as Adsense publisher will also reduce.
3- How to estimate 1st to 8th position CPC values
To estimate CPC values from 1st to 8th position, you can make use of tools such as Adword Accelerator. Adword Accelerator will provide an estimate CPC for every position and even show you the drop of CPC if any, after the 1st position. There are many other tools too which calculate CPC values from 1st to 8th position, it is upto you to choose the tool of your choice. These tools will help you choose the right & profitable keywords. While using the CPC value calculator, if the CPC values are somewhere closer to 1st position, it means that your chance of making some decent profit is not far away.
4- Deciding the positions occupied by Adsense ads.
Here you will have to decide and determine the positions occupied by Adsense ads. The best way to do this is to type your keyword in Google search engine and find out which Adsense ads are displayed in your search results & the order in which they have been displayed.
Another option is to use Adword Accelerator tool. This tool also has a feature where the moment you type your keyword, Adwords ads are displayed for the given keyword. Incase the Adwords advertiser had used the keyword ‘Adwords for Content’ while advertising, it means that these ads are the Adsense ads which some other person has displayed on their website.
5- Compare
The next step is to analyze ads which you have found in step 4 above, with the keyword check function of your choice of software. Incase you find advertisers somewhat match the ones you have found in step 4, there are likely chance that you have found a profitable keyword. Likewise, incase the advertisers differ; it means the advertisers are unlikely to use ‘Adwords for Content’ advertising practice in their campaigns. This basically means that your keyword is not the main base for Adsense ads, thereby reducing your profits.
6- Traffic, Traffic & Traffic
This is one of the most important factors which will generate continuous flow of income. And remember without traffic even the best and most moneymaking Adsense keywords will not fetch you even a single dime. And more importantly, it is not any kind of traffic you require, you actually require traffic to be clicking on the ads that are displayed on your website or blog. Among the many ways which can lead volume traffic to your website, the fastest way to drive volume traffic to your site is by using Adwords. While using Adwords, you can use keywords from Adsense ads which have scored well through above evaluation.
To bring down your expenses, it is advised to use lower CPC keywords. But you have to be careful. There is no way you can expect your Adwords spend more than your earnings on Adsense. The profit calculation is based on the clicks you receive on your Adsense words and the cost per click that you pay for Adwords word.
Traffic can also be generated via Search Engine Optimization (SEO) techniques. This will take a while but is definitely worth the try. While using SEO techniques, ensure that the keywords you have selected have got the highest Keyword Efficiency Index (KEI). KEI complies the ratio between the number of sites using that particular keyword with the number of searches made on any search engine website. For best result, combination of both, high score & high KEI is mandatory using above evaluation.
If you follow the 6 easy steps mentioned above, you can increase your Adsense earning to a great level.
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